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New Yamaha XSR 900 Nardo kit,a tribute to the mythical race track
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New Yamaha XSR 900 Nardo
This total look kit includes : a fiberglass front mudguard painted to the color of your bike (complete assembly kit included), a fiberglass headlight fairing with transparent windshield and its black epoxy painted support, one set of radiator cheeks, one black epoxy painted steel scraper type exclusive licence plate support. a complete Exan X-BLACK OVAL black inox exhaust, a flat LED taillight with its support, and a pair of bracelet handlebars specially designed for the XSR 900
All individual parts can be bought separately, clic the links to access each product's page
References :
Scraper licence plate support Ref : W41AY.001
Complete Black Inox Exan X-BLACK-OVAL exhaust Ref : XY20-CH00-XOI
Bracelet handlebars Réf : W34AY.001
Headlight fairing Réf : Y904A
Short front mudguard Réf : Y905
Nardo mirrors Réf : W39CA-301-501
Radiator cheeks Réf : Y908
Rear signaling lights/blinkers + stop light Clignotants + rear daytime running lights Réf : W30SY.TW009-2000
Front signaling lights/blinkers + front daytime running lights Ref : W30SY.TW009
Signaling lights electronic controler Réf : 47211
Rear LED lights with support Réf : Y907B
Liste des motos compatibles
Marque : YAMAHA
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